Did you know our skin is the biggest organ in the human body? That’s right! Skin is an organ… and our main wall against atmosphere pollutants and dangerous microorganisms. The sun, the air, the earth, the food we ingest and the products we use do affect our skin! Making it look more dry, flaccid and even wrinkly.
Experts agree and recommend the following and simple lifestyle hacks for soft and glowing skin:
- You know it! DRINK WATER
2 Litters a day is fundamental… because the skin you are in stays hydrated this way, which provokes flexibility, softness, luminosity and resistance.
- Protect yourself against UV light
The continuous exposure to sunlight can generate spots, wrinkles and even cancer. This is why it is necessary to always apply sunscreen to your daily routines! You may even have to re-apply every 3 hours or so. It´s no surprise why it´s recommended to limit our exposure to sunlight between certain timeframes. In most cases 10:00 am to 4:00 pm in tends to meet the srongest exposure for our skin! #NotToday
- Try not to Smoke
If you are a smoker… have you ever noticed your continuous facial expressions whenever you smoke?
Well let me tell you what happens when you inhale and exhale from a cigarette…. your skin wrinkles in a fast speeding way!
On the other hand, a smoke provokes the elimination of nutrients in your skin, affecting collagen fibers and your elasticity.
- Eat healthy and balanced
To account with a diet with enough nutrients is necessary! This supports a perfect balance for our skin. Remember that this is not about eating a lot of everything that´s good, but removing what´s not necessary and eating mindfully… either way, keep your processes carbs and unnatural fats to prevent skin imperfections.
- Manage your stress!
Believe it or not… it´s all connected. One of the main consequences of stress is acne in your skin, redness or peeling. It is fundamental! Manage your time right, take care of your activities and take care of yourself.
- Just be careful with your skin…
… It’s not that hard but we don’t do it. We are rough on ourselves and that does not avoid premature wrinkles! It is important to remember that many products require patience, soft punches in your skin to disperse the product, etc.
We can star by determining which products are good for our face and which ones are good for our body.
We invite you to be more mindful towards the wonders your skin does for you and the factors that affect this organ.
Hopefuly you choose to do what’s best for you!
Nartex Labs USA.
Blog Editor: Valerie Llamosa
Autor: Nerissa Álvarez
VoBo: Betzabe Guido
Mayo Clinic. (2019). Cuidado de la piel: 5 sugerencias para una piel sana. Obtenido de: https://www.mayoclinic.org/es-es/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/in-depth/skin-care/art-20048237
Mero, A. M. I. (2020). Hidratación profunda de la piel en tercera dimensión. Polo del Conocimiento: Revista científico-profesional, 5(1), 110-124.
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