As we well know, we live in a widely diverse world full of different people, habits & traditions, and among the things that differentiate us is the time we have dinner. For example, in the United States dinner is commonly between 6:00 and 7:00 p.m., while in Spain dinner usually is later around 10:00 p.m.. On the other hand in Mexico this meal is set between 8:00 & 11:00 p.m.. Do you realize how such a common activity becomes so different between countries?
When we eat heavy meals a right before going to bed, our body does not have the time it needs to process it, so when you try to sleep, you just can’t; Your stomach starts to hurt, you burp and feel very heavy in your stomach. A long night awaits you and if you do this very often, you will surely experience weight gain. The key to avoid this is to have an earlier dinner time, that is why below we would show you what specialist have to say about it.
Better Sleep
Since eons ago, moms have told us many times that we should have an
early dinner or at least, have a light dinner to avoid having nightmares and it
turns out that all this time they were right.
Around the world, various specialists agree that, effectively, by dining at least 2 hours before bedtime, the body has enough time to digest nutrients and thus, when going to bed, we will feel light and have a deeper dream & restorative.
variations in weight
Our body has a biological clock that allows us to know when we are
hungry, thirsty, or need sleep. That is why,
ideally, our body begins to prepare itself to go to sleep approximately after 7
at night, which causes the metabolism rate to decrease. Therefore, eating food
before or after that time will influence the way in which our body assimilates it
and we gain weight.
¿What can I
have for dinner?
This varies depending on the lifestyle, diet and health of each person.
However, we share a series of basic tips that you should take into account when
choosing your dinner:
If you are one of those people who advances their dinner but wakes up in the middle of the night hungry, we remind you that each body is different, so the amounts you are consuming may not be the right ones. To ensure that you are following the proper diet, we recommend consulting your nutritionist.
And you, at what time do you have dinner? Is this working for your sleep?
Nartex Labs USA
Blog Editor: Valerie Llamosa
Author: Nerissa Álvarez
Revised by: Betzabe Guido
Gutiérrez, I., & Coello, M. (2007). Bienestar= alimentación saludable+ vida activa. Padres y Maestros/Journal of Parents and Teachers, (311), 26-30.
Rodríguez-Morilla, B., & Madrid-Navarro, C. J. (2015). ¿ Cuándo, cuánto y cómo dormir?. Eubacteria, nº 33 (2015).
Kogevinas, M., Espinosa, A., Castelló, A., Gómez‐Acebo, I., Guevara, M., Martin, V., … & Costas, L. (2018). Effect of mistimed eating patterns on breast and prostate cancer risk (MCC‐Spain Study). International journal of cancer, 143(10), 2380-2389.
Vora, S. (2017). Cómo cenar bien, y correctamente, en otro país. The New York Times. Retrieved 26 June 2020, from
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